Monday, 19 April 2010

New archaeology: a graphic score

What a week.
I did two trials for the mastering of a CD of commercial release. The material that was delivered two months ago are studio takes that lacked air, brilliance and sometimes good vocal parts. But still, the songs themselves (melodic development, structure, instrumentation) are quite good (nine out of ten). I have done a first assessment of the material and advised the artist. Some of the songs need new vocal parts. Some parts require new instrumentation. For the artist a lot of time has gone into doing a licensing deal and in the meantime for me it was mostly waiting for the ' go ahead'. Last week I decided to do a first touch up of the best of the songs.  I'll give more details when I have them.

It's quite interesting for me as someone who works mostly with electronic music to dig into pop music. Believe me it is not easier to turn a decent recording into something that makes your head bop. To me, as a master engineer, both genres are appealing. Especially when I am challenged to add something experimental. :)

Two other things happened: I found a 20 year old score of a composition that I composed on the occasion of Frans de Waard's 30th birthday. As I knew that Lithuanian composer [ Arturas Bumsteinas ] collects graphic scores I sent it to him.

Finally: I received an offprint of an article that was published in [ Leonardo Music Journal ]. The article was written by Berlin based musicologist [ Volker Straebel  ] and dealt with "From Reproduction to Performance: Media-Specific Music for Compact Disc". My release [ "Music for CD-player" ] is extensively discussed.

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