Getting somewhere, GLORIA.
Three centres of activity this week. The 'dub radio soundtrack' has now two finished files. A lot of other stuff is slowly materializing. The finished pieces I have give you earlier samples of (see the Madlib post for one). Below is a snippet of the new mix of the other one. I really had a fight with myself with these compositions. Rhythm is such a strong aspect of music that I really had to force myself to cut them again and again. Because that's what these pieces are about: letting a rhythm, a groove, go for a while and then interrupting it, and then let it go again with a different filtering, or a different something extra.
The latter is a further development of [ this ], a mix from August when I just started.
Secondly I have uploaded my file for the 25th anniversary of Korm Plastics. Title: G-L-O-R-I-A.
Thirdly The Tobacconists have approved my mastering tracks for their next album. So today I burned it to disc and sent it to Frans de Waard.
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