Tuesday, 26 May 2009

REAPER goes DEEPER (again)

Reaper 3 finally saw the light of day. I consider it as basecamp for all of the music that I produce. I find that the (sound)quality of my works has increased since I started using this because I have better control over the endresult. The first production I did completely with Reaper was Gaussian Transient (Megaphone). Later I remastered the EARLabs3 release as well with great results and fine reviews.

Reaper has a steep learning curve. It's not for the weak at heart. But if you have no or only a little experience with professional audio workstations you are being guided with a 400+ user guide (downloadable for free, can you believe it?). It took me approximately 6 months before I mastered it (at the same time recording and composing Gaussian Transient...). And I'm still learning. Much of this is due to the fact that the application is incredibly tweakable. Every one of us has their own prefered working methods. Reaper allows you to customize itself exactly the way you want it. Beside that it's fast, features 64bit pro editing, integrates with your studio hardware, can be completely controlled with your midi controllers.

There's a huge forum with active members who help mostly within the hour. Newbs are welcomed and not scoffed away. And, being Dutch, the price is an important issue. At $60 I am really sure I'm getting a bargain here. Or in the words of Sound On Sound Magazine (january 2009):"I suspect some would be more convinced of its excellence if Cockos significantly raised the licence cost, but those in the know (and I consider myself one of that number) simply regard it as a bargain." "Try it out and judge for yourself."

Go get it [ here ] !!

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