Friday, 6 March 2009

Almost forgotten voice work

Yesterday I was again running a check on the pianovox work, which is really coming to an end now. Looking for a few snippets to insert here and there I came along a directory that I hadn't hear for quite a while. I listened and remembered why I had abandoned it. It was beautiful sound material but it lasted too long and I couldn't find a twist to make up for that.

But yesterday I did see that solution! I rendered a few tracks and started playing with the highs and lows. Then I added a recording of the original played in the studio twice. One with a bad mic and another one with feedback added. Then I had material enough to finish it up. A late night and an early morning session later I have the impression that it's finished.

Listen to the entire mix [ here ]

I will add this work to the mix of the whole piano and voice material. I now have mixes of all of the piano and voice works in one reaper setup. Listening again and again and changing bits and overlaying parts I am blending it all into a coherent work. I have been in doubt for months about this project. Man! Several people who heard the piano works thought they were not up to standards... which can make you doubt your own judgment. But it's all starting to come together now: the idea of a avant garde jazz pub, with lots of smoke and drinks and people reciting and mumbling and a piano player somewhere in the distance (and sometimes right inside your ear!)

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