Saturday, 27 December 2008

Back to the beginning

Wow! I had a really interesting afternoon, yesterday. I was working on piano no.2 which was already in its ninth state (2.9). I listened for the nth time when I realized that it had become just too intricate. The structure had become dull and even, without any highlights. I made a bolt decision and decided to go back almost to the very beginning: version 2.2. I took a different turn by not working out and detailing further but cut away that part that I had a bad feeling about anyway. One part of the composition was based on a sample of Alexander Goehr's [ Nonomiya ]. Although the sample was alright, I didn't like that I blatantly used it, without any work from myself. So I skipped that whole thing. In its place there now is a piece of the vocal works. So now the structure is quite clear: A B A B which might become A B A C B to make it more interesting. It's not finished.


I also attacked the piano part which I had been struggling with all those months. I rendered it and took it into Audiomulch and used some granular discoloration (GRM). Then I placed it back into the structure. Below are two samples: one of the original piano part and one of its current state.

[ 2.2 original ]
[ 2.2 new ] (2.10)

This was certainly a lesson for me. Kill your darlings, once again.

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