Monday, 10 November 2008


Today I received a small package in my mailbox. After opening it I felt like looking into the past. A CRACKLE BOX!!!!! I first encountered a similar box to the one inside in 1984. It was owned by Kees, the bass player of VH De Straks, a local punk band (influenced by Wire, but singing in the Dutch language). I have since never had one in my hands. And now I have my own box. It's number 345 of an edition (the 4th) of 500. It is very cute and invites me to touch it all the time.

I was surprised to see that it is (almost) exact like the old ones. I expected to see a slot for a connection to a mixer or something like that. Instead it is still producing the noise through a tinny speaker. Which adds to the romantic feeling of course. The box is built with delicacy, just like a cigar box, out of cedar (?) wood, lackered.

You read all about the crackle box [ here ]

Thanks, Dick Rijken !!! I'm quite happy with my precious!

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