new project under construction
In the mean time I am preparing something completely different. It's a series of piano works. These are already in a finishing stage. Six works in which I investigate what result I would get when working with pitched instruments (rather than noise with a fixed pitch). Well, I think it worked out rather well. But it is, at times, quite different from the stuff I did in recent years.
After hearing the results of the piano works I decided that they needed a counterpart. This will be the human voice. And a coincidence, happening late 2007, helped spark this idea. Swedish artist Henning Lundkvist found my release 'Mama' via a peer 2 peer network. He contacted me and asked whether he could perform the tape in Malmö. Of course I agreed and I even remastered the old tape. But inside me my brain kept going and I decided that a new series of vocal works would be interesting to accompany the piano rumblings.
I got to work and dived up the old texts that I had written at the time. I have rewritten them slightly and invited people (Delphine Measroch, Henning Lundkvist, Christopher McFall) to recite the texts, record and send me the recordings. So this will be the basic material for the vocal counterpart to the piano's!
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